A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A competitive VS Shmup inspired by the likes of "Touhou 3: Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream" and "Twinkle Star Sprites."

This trial version features 3 playable characters. You go head to head with a CPU separated by two screens, with you on one and your opponent on the other. Your job is to overwhelm the other player with bullets until they run out of lives, and you win the match!

Feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated.

Music, programming, art: Crimium

Playtesters: AMeatPopsicle, Monivyle

Special thanks: Stikbr, 1vuat, MossyMetaphor, Nightmarecat, Rosavalkyrie, my family

*Note: This is a trial version of an incomplete game. Gameplay may differ from the final product.

Updated 11 days ago
Published 29 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
TagsIndie, Prototype, Shoot 'Em Up, Singleplayer


False Miracles Trial Ver 0.0.2a.zip 162 MB
False Miracles Trial Ver 0.0.2a.html 98 MB

Install instructions

To install, simply click one of the two links provided.

ZIP - Meant for Windows operating systems, contains an EXE file that you can run to play the game. IMPORTANT: Make sure to extract it before playing!!

HTML - A stand alone file that can be played on any PC in a web browser.  Only recommended if you're running on an operating system other than Windows.

Development log

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